O mica postare, asa ca dupa vacanta...
Pictura pe unghii
miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013
miercuri, 24 iulie 2013
Bubble blue
Profit din plin de sezonul estival si folosesc culorile la maxim. Am ales aceasta nuanta de bleu pentru a evidentia culorile punctelor.
Take full advantage of summer and use colors at maximum. I chose this shade of blue colors to highlight points.
Take full advantage of summer and use colors at maximum. I chose this shade of blue colors to highlight points.
joi, 18 iulie 2013
Astazi ies un pic din postarile mele obisnuite deoarece vreau sa va recomand ceva. Este vorba despre o pagina de facebook care mie imi place foarte mult si care este dedicata bineinteles femeilor. Se numeste Bratari hand made si, dupa cum ii spune si numele , pe aceasta pagina veti gasi bratari si bijuterii facute manual,la suuuper preturi. Puteti intra direct de aici https://www.facebook.com/bratarihandmade20?fref=ts
Puteti da Like paginii, aprecierile conteza.:-)
Today I'm out a bit from my regular posts because I want to recommend something. It is a facebook page that I like very much and that is of course dedicated to women. It's called bracelets hand made and, as the name says, on this page you will find bracelets and handmade jewelry at suuuper prices. You can go directly here https://www.facebook.com/bratarihandmade20?fref=ts
You can give Like the page, appreciations matter. :-)
Puteti da Like paginii, aprecierile conteza.:-)
Today I'm out a bit from my regular posts because I want to recommend something. It is a facebook page that I like very much and that is of course dedicated to women. It's called bracelets hand made and, as the name says, on this page you will find bracelets and handmade jewelry at suuuper prices. You can go directly here https://www.facebook.com/bratarihandmade20?fref=ts
You can give Like the page, appreciations matter. :-)
vineri, 12 iulie 2013
A venit vacanta si perioada concediilor insotite de o stare de bine si de relaxare care ne cuprinde vrand-nevrand.Va propun astazi, un model care m-a binedispus de cum am inceput sa il efectuez.
joi, 20 iunie 2013
Vara egal culoare, sau mai bine zis culori. Soarele-auriu,cerul-albastru, natura-verde, flori,,,,culori cat vezi cu ochii. Nu avem alt anotimp in care sa ne putem lasa mangaiate de rochii vaporoase si colorate. Acum e timpul sa explodam!
Summer equal color, or better colors. Sun-gold, sky-blue,green-nature, flowers,,, colors as the eye can see. We have no another season where we can let loose caressed by colorful dresses . Now it's time to explode!
Summer equal color, or better colors. Sun-gold, sky-blue,green-nature, flowers,,, colors as the eye can see. We have no another season where we can let loose caressed by colorful dresses . Now it's time to explode!
luni, 10 iunie 2013
Wave me!
E cald , e iunie, au inceput petrecerile de tot felul...nunti, banchete si multe alte ocazii de a face valuri. Valuri fac si colectiile unor designeri care au ales albastru ca si culoare pentru a exprima cat mai bine o stare de buna dispozitie, de vacanta. Am ales cateva modele semnate de designerul libanez Zuhair Murad .
It's hot, it's June, started all kinds of partyes... weddings, banquets and many other opportunities to make waves. Waves makes the collections of designers who chose blue color to express how much better a good mood,a holiday. I chose a few models signed by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad.
It's hot, it's June, started all kinds of partyes... weddings, banquets and many other opportunities to make waves. Waves makes the collections of designers who chose blue color to express how much better a good mood,a holiday. I chose a few models signed by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad.
luni, 3 iunie 2013
Follow the river
Accesoriile ne infrumuseteaza viata si tinuta. Fie ca vorbim de bijuterii sau genti, acestea trebuie sa fie in ton cu hainele pe care le purtam si bineinteles cu trendul.O geanta colorata scoate din impas orice tinuta monotona,clasica sau monocroma. Genti colorate sau tonuri in naturale, cu tinte sau franjuri,maxi sau midi, alege ce ti se potriveste asorteaza-le cu gust si esti gata sa stralucesti.
Accessories embellish our lives and outfit.If it jewelery or handbags, they must be in tune with the clothes they wear and of course the trend. A colorful bag out of the impasse any dull outfit, classic or monochrome. Colored bags or in natural tones with targets or fringed maxi or midi, choose what suits their taste and matching and you are ready to shine.

Accessories embellish our lives and outfit.If it jewelery or handbags, they must be in tune with the clothes they wear and of course the trend. A colorful bag out of the impasse any dull outfit, classic or monochrome. Colored bags or in natural tones with targets or fringed maxi or midi, choose what suits their taste and matching and you are ready to shine.

luni, 27 mai 2013
Neon strikes again
Nuantele fosforescente sunt culori cu personalitate, aşadar trebuie să ţii cont de câteva reguli atunci când decizi să le porţi. Niciodată ţinute all neon! Doar nu vrei să araţi ca muncitorii de la Drumuri şi Poduri! Nuantele tari, neon merg combinate cu non-culori, alb şi negru, cu nude şi gri, dar şi cu albastru cobalt, roz fuchsia, galben solar, asta dacă vrei să construieşti un outfit color blocking.
Phosphorescent shades are colors with personality, so you have to consider a few rules when you decide to wear them. Never kept all neon! You do not want to look like the workers of Roads and Bridges! Strong shades go combined with non-neon colors, white and black with nude and gray and cobalt blue, fuchsia pink, yellow sun, that if you want to build a color blocking outfit.joi, 23 mai 2013
Summer time!
Odata cu intoarcerea temperaturilor crescute,s-au intors si culorile tari. Am constatat cu placere ca si acest an va fi unul plin de nuante puternice,neon.Sunt din nou in peisajul modei culorile aprinse: verde galben,portocaliu,roz...etc...asa ca am inceput timid sa las negrul deoparte si sa ma orientez catre ele. Pentru inceput,un model simplu si colorat.
With the return of high temperatures returned and strong colors. I noted with pleasure that this year will be full of strong colors, neon. Are back in fashion landscape bright colors: green yellow, orange, pink ... etc ... so I started to leave black shy away and get them oriented. For the beginning, a simple and colorful nail design.
With the return of high temperatures returned and strong colors. I noted with pleasure that this year will be full of strong colors, neon. Are back in fashion landscape bright colors: green yellow, orange, pink ... etc ... so I started to leave black shy away and get them oriented. For the beginning, a simple and colorful nail design.

luni, 13 mai 2013
Flower boom!
Nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni ca primavara purtam flori.Elementele feminine nu lipsesc din noile propuneri ale designerilor, iar
imprimeurile florale sunt in top anul acesta. Indiferent ca alegi
culorile tari sau pe cele pastelate, daca florile se regasesc in tinuta
ta, esti la moda. De la rochii, la pantaloni scuti, geci sau colanti,
imprimeurile florale sunt peste tot in garderobele vedetelor.Imprimeuri delicate mici sau mari arata feminin si foarte frumos.
Fiecare marcă de la Valentino la Proenza Schouler şi, desigur, Anna Sui
(care aproape în fiecare sezon foloseste imprimeurile în colecţiile ei), au folosit acest detaliu. Şi unele, cum ar fi Iceberg, chiar combina diferite
imprimeuri florale.
There's no secret that spring we wear flowers.Feminine elements are not missing from the new proposals of the designers and floral prints are top this year. Whether you choose strong colors or pastels, if flowers are found in your outfit, you're in fashion. From dresses, pants exempt, jackets and tights, floral prints are everywhere in wardrobes of stars. Large or small delicate prints look feminine and beautiful. Every brand from Valentino at Proenza Schouler and of course Anna Sui (which almost every season uses prints in her collections) have used. And some, such as Iceberg, even combine different floral.
There's no secret that spring we wear flowers.Feminine elements are not missing from the new proposals of the designers and floral prints are top this year. Whether you choose strong colors or pastels, if flowers are found in your outfit, you're in fashion. From dresses, pants exempt, jackets and tights, floral prints are everywhere in wardrobes of stars. Large or small delicate prints look feminine and beautiful. Every brand from Valentino at Proenza Schouler and of course Anna Sui (which almost every season uses prints in her collections) have used. And some, such as Iceberg, even combine different floral.
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