
luni, 29 aprilie 2013

Sun after storm

Pentru ca e mai cald decat e normal sa fie in aceasta perioada a anului, am ales sa fac ceva colorat si inspirat de temperaturile ,,over size'' din luna aceasta.

Because it's warmer than it's normal to be this time of year, I chose to do something colorful and inspired by the temperatures, ''over size'' of the month.


luni, 8 aprilie 2013

Roses on fire

E clar,primavara asta purtam colanti. Colanti cu imprimeuri care mai de care mai sophisticate si mai colorate…dar in nici un caz simpli. Asadar purtam colanti,jeansi skinny si pantaloni Capri in nuante imblanzite,cu imprimeuri special. Alegem albastru cerneala, alb laptos, burgundy,galben, tonuri pastelate. Imprimeurile vedeta sunt cele cu stele,flori,buline,grafisme si picture abstracte – totul este permis atat timp cat ii asortam cu mare atentie. Asorteaza colantii cu tricouri de bumbac largute, uni, pulovere tricotate maxi, plus geci din piele colorate sau denim. Alege balerini dar si ghete pana la glezna decorate cu tinte, accesorii massive si neaparat o atitudine de superstar.

Obviously, this sprin we wear leggings. Tights with prints that are more or less sophisticated and colorful…but in no way ordinary. So we wear tights, skinny jeans and Capri pants in shades tame, special prints. Choose ink blue, milky white, burgundy, yellow, pastel tones. Celebrity is the star prints, flowers, polka dots, graphics and paintings abstract – everything is allowed as long as pairing them carefully. Wear tights with cotton shirts range, uni, sweaters knitted maxi plus colored  leather or denim jackets. Choose dancers but ankle boots decorated with studs, accessories and necessarily a massive superstar attitude!

luni, 1 aprilie 2013

Back to spring

Hello! A venit primavara sau ce? Hai sa ne bucuram de aceasta mireasma dulce,de aerul caldut si de oportunitatile vestimentare pe care le aduce cu ea...primavara. Materiale usoare,vaporoase si bineinteles inflorate...Primavara frumoasa tuturor!

Hello! Came spring or what? Let's enjoy the sweet scent of warm air and the clothes opportunities it brings  with her ... spring. Lightweight materials, loose and of course floral ...! A beautiful spring to all !