Summer equal color, or better colors. Sun-gold, sky-blue,green-nature, flowers,,, colors as the eye can see. We have no another season where we can let loose caressed by colorful dresses . Now it's time to explode!
joi, 20 iunie 2013
Vara egal culoare, sau mai bine zis culori. Soarele-auriu,cerul-albastru, natura-verde, flori,,,,culori cat vezi cu ochii. Nu avem alt anotimp in care sa ne putem lasa mangaiate de rochii vaporoase si colorate. Acum e timpul sa explodam!
Summer equal color, or better colors. Sun-gold, sky-blue,green-nature, flowers,,, colors as the eye can see. We have no another season where we can let loose caressed by colorful dresses . Now it's time to explode!
Summer equal color, or better colors. Sun-gold, sky-blue,green-nature, flowers,,, colors as the eye can see. We have no another season where we can let loose caressed by colorful dresses . Now it's time to explode!
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OMG!! I love the maxi dress.
RăspundețiȘtergereLouisa Moje
Un french perfect pt zilele toride de afara. Imi place ca este foarte colorat.