Follow the river
Accesoriile ne infrumuseteaza viata si tinuta. Fie ca vorbim de bijuterii sau genti, acestea trebuie sa fie in ton cu hainele pe care le purtam si bineinteles cu trendul.O geanta colorata scoate din impas orice tinuta monotona,clasica sau monocroma. Genti colorate sau tonuri in naturale, cu tinte sau franjuri,maxi sau midi, alege ce ti se potriveste asorteaza-le cu gust si esti gata sa stralucesti.
Accessories embellish our lives and outfit.If it jewelery or handbags, they must be in tune with the clothes they wear and of course the trend. A colorful bag out of the impasse any dull outfit, classic or monochrome. Colored bags or in natural tones with targets or fringed maxi or midi, choose what suits their taste and matching and you are ready to shine.
I love the Chanel Bag so much!!!
love the chanel bag!
ce interesanta manichiura :)